Mark Zuckerberg on AI, Data Centers, and the Future of Meta

sendy ardiansyah
3 min readMay 13, 2024


In a recent podcast interview, Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Meta, shared his thoughts on the company’s latest advancements in AI, its plans for building massive data centers, and the potential risks and opportunities that come with developing super-strong AI models.

Mark Zuckerberg — Llama 3, $10B Models, Caesar Augustus, & 1 GW Datacenters

The Next Generation of AI Models

Zuckerberg started by discussing the latest releases from Meta AI, including the new version of Llama-3, which is now available as open source for the developer community. He emphasized that Meta AI is now the most intelligent, freely-available AI assistant that people can use. The new model is integrated with Google and Bing for real-time knowledge and will be prominently featured across Meta’s apps, including Facebook and Messenger.

One of the most impressive features of Llama-3 is its ability to generate high-quality images quickly, even updating them in real-time as users type their queries. Zuckerberg demonstrated this capability by asking the AI to generate an image of a cow in a field with mountains in the background, eating macadamia nuts, and drinking beer. The AI responded by generating the image in real-time, honing in on the details as Zuckerberg typed.

The Technical Details of Llama-3

Zuckerberg delved deeper into the technical aspects of Llama-3, revealing that Meta is training three versions of the model: an 8 billion parameter model, a 70 billion parameter model, and a 405 billion dense model, which is still in training. He expressed excitement about the performance of the 8B and 70B models, which are leading in their scale and have achieved impressive benchmarks.

The Importance of Data Centers

The conversation shifted to Meta’s massive data center investments, with Zuckerberg explaining that the company started acquiring H100s in 2022, a move that was initially met with skepticism by investors. However, he emphasized that the decision was driven by the need to have enough capacity to build something that couldn’t be seen on the horizon yet. The acquisition of H100s was a strategic move to ensure that Meta had the infrastructure to support its growing services, including Reels and ranking content.

The Risk of Closed Models

Zuckerberg expressed concerns about the potential risks of closed AI models, which could lead to a handful of companies controlling the APIs and dictating what can be built. He noted that this could be a much bigger risk than people realize, especially when it comes to building massive data centers that require enormous amounts of energy.

A Historical Perspective

The conversation took a detour into Zuckerberg’s past, with the CEO reflecting on his decision not to sell Facebook in 2006 for $1 billion. He admitted that he wasn’t sophisticated enough at the time to do a thorough analysis of the company’s valuation but believed in what they were doing. He also revealed that he would have sold if the offer had been high enough, but ultimately decided to hold onto the company.

The Mission to Build AGI

Zuckerberg discussed the evolution of Facebook AI Research (FAIR), which was started about 10 years ago. Initially, the goal was to create a research group that would advance the field of AI and improve Meta’s products. However, with the recent breakthroughs in ChatGPT and diffusion models, the company’s mission has shifted to focus on building artificial general intelligence (AGI).

The Future of Meta

As the conversation drew to a close, Zuckerberg emphasized that Meta is committed to building the next generation of AI models, which will have a profound impact on how people interact with every app. He acknowledged the potential risks and challenges that come with developing super-strong AI models but expressed excitement about the opportunities that lie ahead.

In conclusion, Mark Zuckerberg’s interview provided a fascinating glimpse into the future of Meta and the company’s ambitious plans for AI and data centers. As the tech industry continues to evolve, it will be interesting to see how Meta’s investments in AI and infrastructure shape the future of technology and society.

