Earth and Humans and the Universe as One Integrated System Unit

sendy ardiansyah
18 min readNov 13, 2023


Tauhid Nur Azhar

Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

The dynamics of ecosystem changes that have occurred in a relatively short period of time since the arrival of humans (Homo sapiens) often make us worried about the future of the earth and, of course, the civilization that resides and symbioses within it. The increase in cognitive capacity that seems to accelerate the rate of reproduction has ultimately led us to realize that we have manipulated various natural systems, which has resulted in changes in the balance of ecosystems. The greenhouse effect, followed by global warming and the accumulation of carbon levels, has given rise to concerns and, in turn, sparked the creation of various systemic innovations such as carbon trading mechanisms and technologies that can produce new and renewable energy that are more oriented towards sustainability and environmental preservation.Various systemic impacts cannot be denied and are beginning to be felt. Global climate change, water crises, food supplies, and the emergence of various catastrophic disasters that are often associated with various anthropocentric exploitation activities are now beginning to attract serious attention and responses from almost every interest group.But there are things that need to be remembered and learned wisely as well. Humans or Homo sapiens actually exist on earth, which is estimated to be around 4.6 billion years old, only in a very short time. No more than 200 to 150 thousand years, as data from paleogenetic research and haplotype tracing reveal the biological history of human presence.This evening, after reading a book entitled Origins by Prof Lewis Dartnell, I gained a slightly different and enlightening perspective. Based on available scientific data, Dartnell has provided a comprehensive picture of the relationship between the earth, the universe, and humans. Perhaps the anthropocentric genre of opinion we currently receive places humans as the main actor who changes the face and various functions and potentials of the earth to be used for human needs and interests. But in his book, Dartnell actually provides a picture that human civilization, as we know it today, is inseparable from the role of the earth and the universe, which seems to have been planned as an intelligent medium that is actually the main constructor of humans.

Why? Because the presence of humans on earth is conditional. It is impossible for us as biological creatures that are highly dependent on food chains and networks as well as supporting factors for life to exist and utilize various resources if the main prerequisites for life are not fulfilled. And to achieve the fulfillment of these prerequisites, a long process of preparing the earth is needed, which cannot be separated from the dynamics of the development of the universe. This includes the formation of the solar system, thermonuclear reactions in the star called the sun, to the maintenance of distance variations in the Goldilocks zone that allows chemical-physical reactions to present the main factors supporting life such as water and air (oxygen, etc.).Today, through advances in the field of astronomy and astrophysics, we have become familiar with the Milankovitch cycle. The Milankovitch cycle is a series of periodic changes in the position and orbit of the earth that affect the earth’s climate. There are several main components in this cycle, including:

  1. Eccentricity, which is a change in the shape of the Earth’s orbit from elliptical to more circular and occurs in a cycle of about 100,000 years. When eccentricity changes, the average distance of the Earth from the Sun changes, which can affect how much solar energy reaches the Earth.
  2. Obliquity, which refers to the tilt of the Earth’s rotational axis, which changes over a period of about 41,000 years. Changes in this tilt can affect the seasons on Earth, including temperature, humidity, and wet zones.
  3. Precession, or changes in the direction of the Earth’s axis, which follows a pattern similar to the rolling of a kite. The precession cycle lasts about 26,000 years and affects when or how long summer and winter seasons occur.

The implications of the Milankovitch cycle on Earth are long-term climate changes. For example, when maximum eccentricity and maximum tilt occur simultaneously, winter in both hemispheres can become more extreme. This can affect the formation and melting of ice layers at the poles, which affects global sea levels. Precession patterns can also affect seasonal patterns, such as changes in the equinox point (the exact time when the sun is perpendicular to the equator), which affects weather and climate patterns in various regions.

The Milankovitch cycle helps us understand some of the variations in the earth’s climate on a very long time scale. It can also serve as a reference when conducting various studies on global temperature changes that have included various factors or variables involved in them, such as the effects of various anthropogenic exploitative behaviors or human actions.Don’t be mistaken, in a much longer time scale than the human life cycle, the earth actually has many mechanisms to bring about a sustainable balance and new ecosystem order. In terms of plastic, although plastic, which is a derivative of oil refining or hydrocarbon-based materials, is often attributed as a destroyer of the earth, the earth with its biodiversity has several types of microbes such as the Pseudomonas and Ideonella sakaiensis families that can process certain types of plastic such as Polyethylene terephthalate (PET).In a broader and longer context, various macro-scale processes are believed to have become the main factors in creating a conducive ecosystem and habitat for living creatures that now inhabit the earth. There were times when the earth experienced extremely global warming, but that actually became a selection mechanism and also prepared a new ecosystem platform for selected species, perhaps including humans who would come after.One of the events recorded in the geological history of the earth is the suspected occurrence of the Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) or the dramatic climate warming event that occurred about 56 million years ago. Occurring during the transition period between the Paleocene and Eocene periods, PETM is one of the most intense global warming events ever recorded in the geological history of the Earth. Here are some related phenomena of PETM:

  1. Causes of Warming: It is still a subject of debate among scientists, but many believe that the massive release of greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4), into the atmosphere is one of the main factors. This may have occurred due to melting ice sheets or the release of methane from sediment layers on the ocean floor.
  2. Global Warming: PETM is believed to have caused a significant increase in global temperature. During this period, the Earth’s surface temperature increased by about 5 to 8 degrees Celsius (9 to 14 degrees Fahrenheit) higher than current temperatures in a relatively short geological time, i.e. thousands of years.
  3. Ecological Impact: Rapid climate change caused significant changes in ecosystems. Animals and plants experienced distribution shifts and extinctions, while organisms that could survive at higher temperatures dominated.
  4. Changes in Ocean Conditions: PETM also caused ocean acidification and changes in oceanic conditions. These conditions can affect the presence of marine organisms, especially those with calcium carbonate shells, such as foraminifera.
  5. Caused Limited/Selective Extinction: Although PETM caused some species extinctions, extensive impacts may have occurred mainly in certain ecosystems. Severe extinction mainly occurred in marine organisms and not on land. This led to changes in the profile of species that inhabit the earth’s surface, both in terms of type and composition.
  6. Recovery: After PETM, the earth experienced cooling and slowly recovered from dramatic warming. This is a concrete example of how the planet earth has the ability and capacity to cope with climate change on a very long geological time scale.

Studies on PETM provide insights into extreme climate change and its impact on the earth’s ecosystem in the past. In addition, it also provides many lessons about organism responses to extreme climate change.Even from the estimated age of the earth of around 4.6 billion years, it took hundreds of millions of years to prepare a conducive living environment for various creatures, which in turn also became a support system for the presence of humans. There are three geological eras that are believed to be the beginning of the birth of biological/living life on earth. These eras include:

  1. The Paleozoic Era, which lasted from about 541 to 252 million years ago. The Paleozoic Era is known as the “ancient life era” because this period was the time of the emergence of complex life, such as invertebrates, the first fish, and land plants. At the end of the Paleozoic Era, there was a significant mass extinction that marked the end of this era.
  2. The Mesozoic Era, which lasted from about 252 to 66 million years ago. This era is often called the “dinosaur era” because of the dominance of dinosaurs that dominated the land environment. During the Mesozoic Era, mammals and birds also appeared. This era ended with a mass extinction, including the extinction of dinosaurs.
  3. The Cenozoic Era, which began about 66 million years ago until now. The Cenozoic Era is the “current life era” where life on earth has developed into the forms we know today. The emergence of modern mammals, humans, and significant climate change are important characteristics of this era.

Each geological era has unique environmental events and changes, and produces a record of the earth’s history in the form of fossils and rocks that can help geologists and paleontologists understand the history of the earth and the evolution of life on our planet.In more detail, the history of the earth and life on the earth’s surface until the arrival of human species can be studied more carefully if we understand the periodization in the Cenozoic Era, or the era that is still ongoing until the present time.

The periods that fall within the Cenozoic era are as follows:

  1. Paleocene (66–56 million years ago): This is the early period of the Cenozoic era. During the Paleocene, the continents were still fragmented, and the climate was relatively warm. There were significant changes in marine life, with the emergence of early mammals and changes in terrestrial plant communities.
  2. Eocene (56–33.9 million years ago): This period had a warmer climate than the Paleocene. Mammals developed rapidly, and many modern plant species emerged. There was also an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels that contributed to global warming.
  3. Oligocene (33.9–23 million years ago): This was a period of significant climate change. The climate became cooler, causing changes in plant and animal communities/populations. Dinosaurs had already become extinct, and mammals became dominant.
  4. Miocene (23–5.3 million years ago): During the Miocene, the climate was warm and approaching current conditions. Mammals developed rapidly, and many species of trees and other plants migrated between continents.
  5. Pliocene (5.3–2.6 million years ago): This period was marked by a global temperature decrease that led to the formation of ice sheets in the Arctic. Large animals such as mammoths lived during this time.
  6. Pleistocene (2.6 million years ago — 11,700 years ago): This was an ice age period with drastic and dynamic climate changes. During this time, modern humans emerged and adapted to difficult climate conditions.
  7. Holocene (11,700 years ago to present): This is the period we are currently in. The climate is relatively stable, and it is a period in which human civilization has developed rapidly.

Each of these periods has unique geological, climatological, and biological characteristics and is an important part of the history of the Earth and life on Earth until today.The presence and diversity of plant and animal species have played a crucial role in the development of human civilization. The evolution of plant species such as Gymnosperms and Angiosperms has been important in the development and diversity of terrestrial plants. Gymnosperms are a group of seed plants that have open seeds or seeds that are not protected by fruit. They played an important role in the development and diversity of terrestrial plants. Angiosperms, on the other hand, are a group of seed plants that have seeds enclosed in fruit. They are the most dominant and diverse group of plants in the world today, including various types of flowering plants found in various environments.

Gymnosperms are a group of seed-bearing plants that have open seeds or seeds that are not protected by fruit. The biological history of gymnosperms began in the Paleozoic era and they played an important role in the development and diversity of land plants. Here is a brief history:

  1. Paleozoic era: The first gymnosperms appeared during the Devonian period, about 370 million years ago. These plants had open seeds that were not protected by fruit. One of the earliest gymnosperm groups was Cordaitales.
  2. Mesozoic era: During the Mesozoic era, gymnosperms became more dominant and dominated the terrestrial environment. One of the most famous gymnosperm groups from this period is the conifers (Coniferales), such as fir and pine trees that are now found all over the world.
  3. Peak of gymnosperm development: Gymnosperms reached their peak of development and existence in various biomes around the world during the Mesozoic era.

Angiosperms, on the other hand, are a group of seed-bearing plants that have seeds enclosed in fruit. They are the most dominant and diverse group of plants in the world today, including various types of flowering plants found in various environments. Here is a brief history of angiosperm plant biology:

  1. Appearance of angiosperms: The first angiosperms appeared during the Cretaceous period, about 140 to 110 million years ago, making them a relatively new group of seed-bearing plants in geological history.
  2. Competitive advantage: One of the key successes of angiosperms is their high adaptability. They developed quickly and successfully took over many terrestrial ecosystems, replacing many groups of open-seed-bearing plants, such as gymnosperms, in a relatively short time.
  3. Evolutionary innovation/adaptation: One of the main innovations of angiosperms is the flower. Flowers allow them to collaborate with various animals such as insects, birds, and mammals for pollination. This leads to increased reproductive efficiency and genetic diversity within this group of plants. The orchestration and harmony of inter-species collaboration can be evidence of the synergy produced by a plan that has prepared the concept of functional collaboration, right?
  4. Role of fruit: Fruit is another important innovation in the development of angiosperms. Fruit helps in seed dispersal, provides nutrition, and protection for seeds. This increases the chances of successful plant growth, as well as a mediation tool with other species such as birds, primates, and humans who will become natural agents of cultivation.
  5. Ecosystem influence: The extinction of dinosaurs at the end of the Cretaceous period opened up opportunities for angiosperms to develop and dominate more terrestrial ecosystems. Changes in plant composition also affected terrestrial animal communities.
  6. Diversification capacity: Since the appearance of angiosperms, they have undergone incredible diversification. There are thousands of species of flowering plants that include various shapes, sizes, and adaptations to various environments around the world.

Angiosperms are an important part of the Earth’s ecosystem and play a major role in providing food and various important products for humans and many other species. Their evolutionary history reflects the evolutionary history of land plants, which is very important for understanding biodiversity on this planet. There is a role of substitution and complementarity that is expressed from the essence of the existence of Angiosperm plants on this earth.The role of relationships and interactions between other species can be seen in the presence of certain mammal species that are vital to the development of human civilization. In particular, various types of species that will later be domesticated by humans and become an integrated part of the energy chain that becomes the backbone of human existence on this earth. Artiodactyla and Perissodactyla are mammal orders that play an important role in the construction of human civilization.Artiodactyla is a mammal order that includes even-toed ungulates. They have characteristics of legs with two or four hooves that touch the ground. The history of the presence of Artiodactyla mammals can be traced through fossil records and evolutionary development. Here is a brief history:

  1. Paleocene period (66–56 million years ago): Artiodactyla had evolutionary roots that lasted during the Paleocene period. Early mammals in this order were small and usually lived in forests. Some early families include Hyopsodontidae and Diacodexeidae.
  2. Eocene period (56–33.9 million years ago): During the Eocene, Artiodactyla underwent significant changes. Families such as Mesonychidae (which have predator teeth) became important in the evolutionary history of this order.
  3. Oligocene period (33.9–23 million years ago): During this period, Artiodactyla began to diversify and spread to various habitats. Mammals such as Anthracotheriidae appeared, which have a history as ancestors of pigs and animals like elephants.
  4. Miocene period (23–5.3 million years ago): Artiodactyla continued to develop and diversify during the Miocene. Some families that still exist today, such as Bovidae (the family of cows, goats, sheep, and antelopes) and Cervidae (the family of deer and moose), appeared during this period.
  5. Present day (Holocene): Artiodactyla continues to be the dominant group of mammals in various environments around the world. They are the most abundant group in terms of mammal species, and include important animals such as cows, pigs, deer, goats, and many other animals that have great economic and ecological value.

The presence of Artiodactyla mammals plays an important role in ecology and economics in many regions around the world, especially in producing meat, milk, and raw materials for food and other industries, including related bioindustries.Perissodactyla, on the other hand, is a mammal order that includes odd-toed ungulates. They have characteristics of legs with one or three middle hooves that touch the ground. The history of the presence of Perissodactyla mammals can be seen through fossil records and evolutionary development. Here is a brief history:

  1. Early Eocene period (about 56 to 33.9 million years ago): Perissodactyla had evolutionary roots that lasted during the Eocene period. This group of mammals includes leaf-eating plants and has teeth designed to chew plants. Early families such as Hyracoidea appeared during this period.
  2. Oligocene period (about 33.9 to 23 million years ago): During the Oligocene, Perissodactyla underwent changes and diversification. Families such as Tapiroidae appeared during this period. Tapirs are odd-toed ungulates that still exist today.
  3. Miocene period (about 23 to 5.3 million years ago): During this period, some significant Perissodactyla families began to appear. One of them is the Equidae family, which includes horses and their relatives. Animals like horses have teeth that are more suitable for chewing grass and adaptations that support them as efficient herbivorous animals.
  4. Present day (Holocene): Perissodactyla still exists today, although some families have become extinct. Animals such as horses, donkeys, tapirs, and rhinos are examples of Perissodactyla mammals that still exist and have various roles in the ecosystem as well as animals that are related to human activities.

Perissodactyla plays an important role in ecology and economics in many regions around the world. Some of them are working animals used in agriculture and transportation, as well as protected animals such as rhinos that are important for nature conservation.

Their evolutionary history reflects the adaptation and diversification of land plants over millions of years, resulting in diverse mammal groups that are important in ecosystems and human life. For example, horses became one of the main animals used in cross-continental transportation that changed civilization in their time, such as the establishment of the Silk Road and the Mongol invasion of Europe.But what about us in the Indonesian archipelago? When did the land of Java, Swarnadwipa, Borneo, and the Maluku Islands, Nusa Tenggara, and Papua form? The world is familiar with this region in the context of Homo sapiens migration, Sundaland.Sundaland is a region that includes most of Southeast Asia and part of South Asia that is currently located below sea level. This region includes countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and parts of Thailand, Brunei, the Philippines, and Timor Leste. The formation of Sundaland involves a complex geological history, especially involving changes in sea level and tectonic plates. Here is a brief explanation:

  1. Pleistocene period (Ice Age): During the Pleistocene Ice Age, which began about 2.6 million years ago, there were significant changes in climate and the Earth’s surface. Much of the seawater froze into ice at the poles, causing sea levels to drop significantly, revealing land that is currently submerged under water.
  2. Formation of Sundaland: Due to the drop in sea level, most of the land in this region was exposed, creating a land bridge that connected many islands and formed a larger land mass. This allowed the movement of humans and fauna between islands and formed diverse ecosystems.
  3. Current Sea Level Rise: Currently, sea levels are rising again due to melting ice and global warming. The Sundaland region is sinking again, and islands that were once connected are becoming separated. This process is ongoing, with impacts such as coastal erosion and changes in marine habitats.
  4. Tectonic Plates: Changes in tectonic plates also play a role in the formation of Sundaland. This region is located between several large tectonic plates, including the Eurasian Plate, the Indo-Australian Plate, and the Philippine Plate. This tectonic activity has formed many geological features, such as volcanoes and faults.

The geological mechanism that created Sundaland is an example of how natural processes such as climate change, tectonic activity, and sea level changes over millions of years can significantly shape and transform the Earth’s landscape. This region has a rich and complex geological history that has influenced the geography and human history of Southeast Asia. This includes the birth of Java Island, which can now be studied at the BRIN Karangsambung natural laboratory.Karangsambung is an area with a Melange formation that can provide an overview of the geological evolution process that occurred on Java Island. The mixed Melange formation in Karangsambung is estimated to have occurred during the Upper Cretaceous-Paleocene period, or between 65.5 ± 0.3 to 55.8 ± 0.2 million years ago. The discovery of several Rijang rock outcrops and Red Limestone rocks in the Karangsambung site provides evidence of the evolution of the formation of Java Island. The layered Rijang rock with Red Limestone that is exposed in Karangsambung is rock that originated from the deep sea floor with a depth of 5000 meters (Zulfakhriza Z, 2018).The uplift of the ocean floor occurred due to tectonic plate activity in the subduction zone between the Eurasian continental plate and the Indian Ocean plate. This process is estimated to have occurred 80 to 140 million years ago. Basalt rocks were also found in Karangsambung, which are thought to have formed due to the expansion of the central ocean, resulting in volcanic eruptions that spewed lava. The lava from the volcanic eruption solidified due to contact with seawater. Because of its oblong shape, this solidified rock is called pillow lava. The walls of the pillow lava are clearly exposed in Kali Muncar, Sadang District (Zulfakhriza Z, 2018).The history of the Holocene era proves that Java, with its potential fertility obtained from the influence of tectonic and volcanic dynamics as well as climatic advantages, has become a highly productive habitat for food crops such as rice. Rice or Oriza sativa, according to historical records, began to be cultivated in China, specifically in the Yangtze River valley. Rice cultivation in the Yangtze River Valley has a long and important history in the development of agriculture and human food. Here is a brief history of rice cultivation in this valley.

  1. Development of Rice Cultivation: Rice cultivation began in the Yangtze River Valley about 6,000 years ago, during the Neolithic period. This was the beginning of the agricultural revolution in China. People in this region began to transform wild plants into more useful and abundant varieties.
  2. Wetland/Rice Paddy System: The Yangtze River Valley has a natural irrigation system formed by river flow and abundant rainfall. Successful rice farming requires good water control, and the wetland system in this valley supports rice cultivation.
  3. Development of Rice Varieties: For thousands of years, farmers in this region have developed superior rice varieties. They created breeding and propagation methods that allowed rice to grow better and more productive. This was an important step in the history of rice cultivation.
  4. Agricultural Revolution: Rice cultivation in the Yangtze River Valley is part of the Chinese agricultural revolution that changed the way humans live. Agriculture became more intensive, and society grew larger and more complex. This also created a surplus of food that allowed population growth.
  5. Historical and Economic Changes: The Yangtze River Valley has been the center of rice cultivation in China for thousands of years. The abundant rice production from this region played an important role in the development of the region’s economy and politics. This also created a rich culture and food tradition that includes various dishes made from rice.

However, historical records also show that in the early days of the Nusantara civilization, juwawut, sago, and rice were also part of the local wisdom of Indonesian people in meeting their food needs.

But the blessings we enjoy in the Nusantara are also supported by the geological evolution since the transformation of the giant continent Pangea. Our position on the equator makes us have the potential for hydrocarbons such as oil and coal from the remains of ancient forests, as well as a climate that is moderated by various effects such as Coriolis and the presence of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), which is the area where winds blowing from the northern and southern hemispheres meet.ITCZ is an important component in the global air movement and climate system. Here is some crucial information about ITCZ:

  1. Meeting Point of Winds: ITCZ is the location where the trade winds from the northern and southern hemispheres meet and converge. Here, these winds collide and rise upwards.
  2. Shifts with Seasons: ITCZ is not fixed and moves with the seasons. During the summer, ITCZ tends to move closer to the hemisphere that is experiencing summer, and during the winter, it tends to shift closer to the hemisphere that is experiencing winter.
  3. Influence on Weather: ITCZ is the main source of rainfall in various tropical regions around the world. When the winds collide and rise, they cool and condense, forming rain clouds and heavy rain.
  4. Climate Change: The changing position of ITCZ affects the rainy and dry seasons in tropical regions. Unexpected shifts in ITCZ can cause drought or flooding problems.
  5. Influence of Sea Surface Temperature: Warmer sea surface temperatures can affect the position of ITCZ. Changes in sea temperature can trigger changes in rainfall patterns and weather in tropical regions.
  6. Tropical Storm Growth: Some tropical storms, such as tropical cyclones in the Atlantic Ocean and typhoons in the Pacific Ocean, often form near ITCZ. Here, the winds collide and form developing storms.

ITCZ is an important phenomenon in the global climate system and has a significant impact on weather and ecosystems in tropical regions around the world. Understanding ITCZ is key to understanding seasonal weather changes in tropical regions.It is undeniable that Indonesia’s unique geoclimatological conditions can bring such rich biodiversity, both on land and in the sea. Even abundant spices can bring blessings and disasters due to the expansion waves that are like floods. Colonialism becomes a condition that must be faced, and overexploitation remains a problem that continues to haunt us today.

Hopefully, the progress of science and technology, including in computational systems with artificial intelligence models, can optimize the collection and management of repositories of the wealth of resources we have. At the same time, it can help predict and plan strategies for future civilizations by learning from the journey of the Earth and the universe, as well as the distant past before we existed. The long cycle provides so much learning space so that we can always grow into intelligent humans who can build connections with the universe and the Earth as a whole.



sendy ardiansyah
sendy ardiansyah

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